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New Year Word not Resolutions

Posted by Paula Parisotto on

Each year I take a week off at the beginning of January to reflect on the previous year and make plans for the current year. I like to think of my annual plans as a loosely plotted road map for the upcoming year. I say loosely plotted because some of my most epic opportunities have come from going off-road, and while the trip may have been bumpy at times (Hello ALL of 2020!), I have never regretted where those roads took me!  

New Year Word not Resolutions

My week of reflection is done at our lake house. Water soothes my soul and grounds me in a way that solid earth never could. While much of my week is spent in semi-solitude (Marley and me), letting words and thoughts wash over me, I will admit to a slight Netflix addiction...so I will have the company of New Girl to lighten my deep contemplation!

Armed with snacks (Wheat Thins slathered in PB&J...mmm), steaming cups of tea, my Pilot G-2 pens, last year’s planner (OMG...if you need a planner, check out My Shining Year Life Goals Workbook, by Leonie Dawson. It’s pure GOLD!) and calendar (The Happy Planner, because who isn’t happy when they have a plan?!) along with a fresh copy of each, and I'll be ready to rock ‘n roll...or hum and snuggle as the case may be... Despite my cozy set up, this is one of my most productive weeks of the year. This week of work sets up an entire year of building and growing! 

This process has been on repeat for the last six years. Sit, review, think, feel, create, write, organize, snack and plan...then put those plans in motion! I know I am not alone in having a review and planning sesh (I see you out there, all you Type-A, First Borns and Virgos!) but how many also attach a New Year Resolution to their plan? Me...I choose a word. 

A Word of the Year. One little Word. It’s like a promise to myself to let this word work it’s magic in my life as it shapes and directs my daily actions throughout the year. 

2018 - Freedom. A seed planted in my heart in December of 2017, became my anthem for the entirety of the following year.   

2019 - Become. This year I wrote my story of how I grew from a wellness industry executive into a BRAND. I let myself truly become everything that I was meant to be, which included a renewed focus on becoming a better, healthier version of me. You know, letting go of the past so that I could be in charge of my present, and becoming an all-around badass boss babe! 

2020 - More. My desire was for more adventure. More self-care. More mindfulness. More abundance. More moments that take my breath away, and more opportunities for gratitude. More clients. More growth for my brand. More hikes. More days at the beach. More tacos and definitely more margaritas.

Looking back at my "Thank you Universe, more please!" list, I initially felt jipped. I didn't have more of any of the items on my list. I has less, far less. Less adventures. Less personal styling clients. Less abundance.

However, reading on, I realized that I had more (FAR more) of most of the items on my list. The universe DID give me more. It just took me to mindfully pivot away from "this is challenging, not what I want or had planned" and be willing to embrace "this is different but maybe better". In doing so, I got my more but more better. 

As for my word of the year after the fa la la la longest year eh-ver.....stay tuned. 


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