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Going Back to School and Start a New Beginning

Posted by Paula Parisotto on

You know that tenacious itch to start something new, that only intensifies the longer you wait? The best remedy is to scratch it, and that's just what I did! 


Paper purse pattern pieces, floral fabric and thread ready to be sewn into a cork purse

With the yard of Portuguese cork now on it’s way to my hot lil’ hands, I tore apart my beloved “a-ha” purse to see how it was constructed. My mind was brimming with possibilities: an improved strap attachment, cell phone pocket… Eureka! Now I had a purse with the style and function to take on any adventure!

Foraging through my craft cupboard, I pulled out bright floral lining fabric....because I dream in color Baby.....and some matching thread. I scoured the internet to find a magnetic snap and buckle (fun fact, we are still using this supplier for our current designs!) gave my high school Singer sewing machine a good dusting and waited on the FedEx truck.

The day before my cork arrived, a mailer from the local college arrived to my mailbox. I had just graduated the year prior ('cause it's never too late to create a life you LOVE) and typically tossed those straight into the recycle bin. But, fate, serendipity, destiny….she had her sights on me, so I opened it. Flipping through I spotted a sewing class. I knew some basics, but my dream deserved more than a passing knowledge of how to stitch something together. So, armed with a newly purchased sewing kit, my aspirations, and some snacks stuffed into a bag, I showed up to the first day of school. Again.

Much like every other step of this journey, I met another soul to lead me through to the next stage. Arcy, my instructor, lovingly guided me through the construction of my first sample. And as I held my newly sewn creation in my hands, I could feel the pulse of a new beginning; and so she was named, Inizio. Beginning or start in Italian.

If you are itching to start a journey or just looking for your next adventure, we’d love to be a part of your beginning. Won’t you take us with you?

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