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Your Guide to Choosing Jewelry based on your Frame Size and Face Shape

Posted by Paula Parisotto on

Ladies, can we just say it once and for all? Size, and shape, do matter...when we are talking jewelry that is!


A middle age woman stands outdoors in front of a fenced vineyard wearing a tan hat, pastel striped fitted blazer and white pencil skirt.

Your frame size and face shape are key to choosing jewelry pieces that look great on you!  To find your frame size you only need to know two pieces of information. First, go grab a tape measure...go ahead, I’ll wait for you… And, you’ll need to know your height (take a peek at your driver’s license if you can’t remember) Now, measure the circumference of your dominant wrist at the base of your hand.  Make sure to use inches as your unit of measure.


If you’re under 5’2”, measurements:

      • less than 5.5” indicate a small frame.
      • 5.5” – 5.75” indicate a medium frame.
      • over 5.75” indicate a large frame.
If you’re 5’2”-5’5”, measurements:
      • less than 6” indicate a small frame.
      • 6” – 6.25” indicate a medium frame.
      • over 6.25” indicate a large frame.
If you’re over 5’5”, measurements:
      • less than 6.25” indicate a small frame.
      • 6.25” – 6.5” indicate a medium frame.
      • over 6.5” indicate a large frame.

Small frames are best suited to thin, delicate pieces of jewelry. Large pieces can be overbearing, and while we are all about making an entrance, you don’t want your jewelry to beat you into the room! Medium frames shine with layers of delicate jewelry to give the illusion of a more substantial piece, or simple pieces that are medium in weight and size. Statement earrings, necklaces and bracelets look great on larger frames.

But those aren’t the only dimensions we are looking at here...the shape of your face can be enhanced with the right earring and necklace choices.  To find your face shape, you need an erasable marker, a mirror, and a hair tie. First, pull your hair back and stand in front of a mirror. Next, examine your face...blow your reflection a kiss and tell her you love her, because there is always time to practice a little self-love...Then, trace the outline of your face and step back to evaluate the results.

Round (Famous Face: Drew Barrymore) - Long necklaces and chandelier earrings will add length and shape to your face. Avoid chokers, collar and short necklaces. Small studs and circular earrings should also be avoided.

Oval (Famous Face: Queen B herself, Beyonce) - Genetic royalty, the oval face can wear any length and shape of the family jewels, and rock them while doing it!

Triangle or Heart (Famous Face: Reese Witherspoon) - Chocker, collar and bib style necklaces are gorgeous on you. Medium length chains with inverted triangles or circularly shaped pendants are very flattering to your face shape. Choose longer earrings to fill the space on either side of your jaw to create your perfect look.

Square (Famous Face: Jennifer Aniston) - Wearing curving, circular shapes in both necklaces and earrings will soften your strong jaw line. Your earrings should have a bit of length to extend the length of your face shape. Avoid geometric shapes that mimic the shape of your face.

Rectangle / Long (Famous Face: Sarah Jessica Parker) - You and square can follow the same rules, but do keep your earrings a bit shorter. This will help from drawing attention to the length of your face.

Diamond (Famous Face: Megan Fox) - Choker, collar and bib style necklaces as well as medium length chains with circular, not strong geometric shaped pendants, are flattering. Earrings that fill the space on either side of your jaw line are the perfect shape for you.  

A few notes to keep in mind: Some may find they are a mix of two faces shapes, if that’s the case for you, follow the rules for the shape that most resembles yours. Another thing that can affect your face shape is weight loss/gain and even aging (Mine is seeing a shift from a classic oval to little more of a pear!)

Are you feeling confused or confident after going through this guide? I have one last tip for you: TRUST YOUR INSTINCTS! Once you place a piece of jewelry on and look in the mirror you’ll know whether it’s right or wrong. I promise! It’s a conversation that I have with my clients ALL. THE. TIME. If your gut is screaming “Eww!” toss that piece back in the box and try something else. When your inner Beyonce comes out with a “Yaaasssss girl!” you know you're ready to strut your look out of the house with confidence!

Looking for more personal styling tips? I've got them! Read:

The Best Necklines for your Size and Shape 

How to Choose a Handbag for your Body Type

Organize your Purse in 7 Simple Steps 

Simple Tips for Accessorizing your Look

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